Russ Ayres HeadShotI am a full time Professional Clinical Hypnotherapist.  I am  fully trained in all aspects of Clinical Hypnosis and I am bound by various professional codes of ethics. I have been successfully helping people with Hypnotherapy and coaching for a number of years.

My clients tell me that I?m an attentive listener and I help them feel comfortable and relaxed, allowing them to have self confidence during our sessions. This is really important for successful session and it pleases me to continually help my clients achieve their goals.

Keeping up with relevant studies and new treatment fields within the industry is very important to me. Recently, I have  increased my knowledge within the RBCCH (Royal Berkshire College of Clinical Hypnotherapy)

I have always been a great believer in creating just the right balance in life by enjoying family, work commitments and allowing time for hobbies and creativity.  I especially love taking the time to exercise both in the gym and yoga classes to keep my mind nurtured.  As you might expect, I practice regular self hypnosis and meditation..

Executive Coaching

Since 2008 I have worked as an associate Executive Leadership Coach for a number of coaching organisations.  In May 2016 decided to consolidate my associate work and work solely with EQ Works - with whom I work as a coach and co-facilitate Emotional Intelligence workshops and training courses.